Thanks to the network deployed by our subsidiary Lotim Télécom, the operator DSTNY provides access to connectivity services to its client, the Mutualité française de la Loire, a public health organisation based in Saint-Etienne.
Interview with DSTNY and Mutualité Loire Haute-Loire Puy De Dôme
1 – Present your respective companies and their background
IP Line was founded in 2004. We provide various services for our customers: publishing cloud communication solutions, BtoB operator, hosting sensitive data, and protecting the digital assets of medium-sized and large companies.
In its early days as a start-up with ten or so employees, the company was awarded the Pépites de la Métropole de Lyon label in 2012 and began to ramp up in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, with the headcount rising from 20 to 40 to meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and intermediate companies seeking 24/7 access to technical support. Destiny France has 180 staff in Paris, Lyon, Nantes and Tours, with revenue of €48 million in 2021, generated by Destiny France companies and Destiny France partners.
When we joined DSTNY Group in 2021, we had 80 employees.In 2022, we are now part of a European group with 750 staff across 7 countries. The group aims to become the European leader in cloud-based unified communications.
Franck Dunière, Head of major accounts for operator DSTNY France (formerly IP Line)
La Mutualité française Loire – Haute Loire – Puy-de-Dôme Services de Soins et d’Accompagnement Mutualistes (SSAM – Mutual Care and Support Services) is a French social welfare player. With more than 90 locations in the Loire, Haute Loire and Puy-de-Dôme regions, our private, not-for-profit organisation offers a range of care and services
Nadine Favier, Head of IT and organisation Mutualité Française Loire – Haute-Loire – Puy-de-Dôme
- The services deployed by the Mutualité de la Loire :
- Medical and surgical clinic
- Aftercare and rehabilitation
- Medical imaging
- Health centres
- Assisted accommodation for elderly people and retirement homes
- Home hospital care and services
- Residential and support services for the disabled
- Nurseries
- Pharmacies and medical equipment
2- How long have you been working with Axione? How could it be said that you are partners?
We have been working with Axione for about 10 years in the Loire region.
Axione provides dependable infrastructure so that service operators can deliver a seamless, high-quality network to customers. This gives us a modern network supplier, operating throughout France, yet still with a local presence.
Franck Dunière – DSTNY France
3-What is the role and mission of the operator? How do Axione’s services affect your offering?
An operator’s mission is to provide its clients with a reliable, high-quality network by assisting them from the consulting phase right through to operating their network. Depending on the client’s needs, we can offer solutions to technically develop this network. The different regions where we deploy our connectivity services need to be interconnected, powerful and readily available to ensure the service levels expected by customers.
Franck Dunière – DSTNY France