Active listening, exemplary behaviour and a team spirit are the values encouraged by the company. These are three human values that are meaningful and show commitment. They form the backbone of our Human Resources policy (including annual appraisals) and guide employees on a daily basis not only in their relationships with their colleagues, but also with the full range of stakeholders, including customers, partners and suppliers.

Since 2019, companies have been invited to measure their performance in terms of professional equality and to publish the results of their “Gender Equality Index” on their website.
This index comprises five indicators, covering:

  • the gender pay gap;
  • gender pay increase ratios;
  • gender promotion ratios;
  • the percentage of women granted a pay increase following maternity leave;
  • the number of men and women among the 10 highest-paid members of the company

For this fiscal year, which is 2022, our company reached the score of: 74 out of 100

Convinced that gender diversity is a powerful lever of performance and attractiveness, we are determined to improve this score by directing our actions in terms of gender diversity and by allowing women access to the highest levels of responsibility, and therefore of remuneration, in our company.

Within this framework, the objectives of progress, the associated actions and the means implemented to achieve these objectives are defined within the framework of the Mixed Ambition Agreement and are structured around the following axes: remuneration/promotions/training/recruitment school relations/parenting.

For all index indicators for which the maximum score has not been achieved, the target is the maximum score.

The monitoring of these progress objectives and actions will be carried out in the context of exchanges with the social partners during the consultation on the comparative situation report.

It is our responsibility to continue to promote the construction trades to women, especially in schools, to help our employees to flourish within the company and thus enable them to achieve ambitious career paths.

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  • consultations with osteopath available to employees

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