#Episode 4
Axione’s indoor coverage expertise

Axione is a global player in the digital sector with expertise in fibre optic and radio infrastructure in both rural and urban areas.

We supply connectivity solutions to local authorities, companies, large government departments and the telecommunications ecosystem (operators, Towerco, equipment manufacturers).

Customised solutions

Designing and building the network

Axione has indoor mobile coverage infrastructures to suit all needs. We design solutions for different connectivity needs that take into account the specific features of each building or site. After analysis, we propose the most suitable technology (hybrid, active or passive) to meet the requirements of your infrastructure.

Network maintenance and supervision

We offer a unique turnkey service, from network monitoring to on-site response:

-Maintenance with Recovery Time Guarantee. We have a comprehensive maintenance offer (preventive and repair) for Indoor Mobile Coverage installations. Repair works are backed by Recovery Time Guarantees to ensure that service is restored quickly.

-Supervising active equipment. To deal proactively with the equipment, we have developed a monitoring solution for active equipment in the Indoor Coverage infrastructure. This service, run by our Operations Centre, means that incidents can be detected quickly and resolved remotely or by triggering a response.

An in-house design office

All our projects are tailor-made after analysis during the pre-sales or production phase.

We have four engineers in our design office who study indoor networks. They work in tandem with the other expert teams in the design office so that we can bring together all the skills needed to carry out our projects. The depth of our skills, combined with a quality management system, makes us agile enough to meet the deadline and quality requirements of our production units carrying out the work.

Eric Municchi – Head of Axione’s design office

Local service 

98% of indoor projects are carried out by our 200 field technicians across France supported by our design and project management teams.

Axione is represented nationwide through 50 branches in 5 regional divisions.

We run all the sites in the Ile de France region from
our Montigny branch. Logistics, planning,
management of in-house teams.
It is all centralised here.
We have a wonderful team and great projects.
That’s the Axione ethos.

Sandrine Prado,
head of indoor radio production

Our DNA is defined by our ability to complete a project by pooling our skills across the entire value chain: from infrastructure design, through installation and operation, to network maintenance and supervision. For this, we have teams in local agencies throughout France and we also ensure real-time supervision and maintenance of our networks to guarantee continuity and quality of service for all our customers thanks to the network operations (NOC) centre in Pau.

Tamara Chany,
Head of Axione’s indoor mobile radio coverage

Customers who recommend us

Axione’s teams successfully met our requirements for the project. They adapted to the project’s constraints, particularly when it came to installing antennas concealed in false ceilings despite the limited space and density of the networks. This project has been a success and has resulted in a trusting relationship between our companies for the future.

Jean-Baptiste Gandin,
Head of Group Santerne Île-de-France

If you missed them, check out our first three episodes:

Building and managing an indoor coverage network open to the general public

Different indoor networks for different purposes.

what is indoor mobile coverage?