Axione is committed to gender equality and aims to support the integration, career development and performance of women, regardless of their entity or business line.
It is our collective responsibility to keep promoting our professions to women, especially in schools, to help female employees to develop in the company and thereby enable them to pursue ambitious career paths.
To reflect the company’s strong commitment, we are launching a one-week communication campaign aimed at deconstructing preconceived ideas and giving a voice to women, as well as to men, about their careers within the company.
Read the testimonials of some of our employees about their careers :
Since 2019, companies have been invited to measure their performance in terms of professional equality and to publish the result of their “gender equality index” on their website.
This index is made up of five indicators dealing with:
– Gender pay gaps
– Increased proportions of women and men
– Proportion of women and men promoted
– Increased percentage of women returning from maternity leave
– The number of women and men among the top 10 highest paid in the company
For this financial year, which covers 2021, our company has achieved a score of 89/100.
Although this score is higher than the minimum of 75 points set by the government, we are determined to improve it by focusing on the theme of gender diversity in certain sectors and improving women’s access to the highest levels of responsibility, and therefore pay, in our companies.
The Axione score (“Men – Women” index 2021)