Press release

Over 100,000 subscribers on the Aisne Fibre Optic Public Initiative Network !


Five years after the first districts were commercially connected to fibre optics, the Aisne Public Initiative Network, known as RAISO and supported by the Union des Secteurs d’Energiedu Département de l’Aisne (USEDA), has passed the 100,000thsubscriber milestone. This step shows the success of the project initiated by the Council for the Aisne region and assigned to USEDA for execution. It has established the new fibre optic telecommunications network, thereby meeting current and future digital needs. For 30 years, USEDA has delegated the marketing to Access Providers, as well as the operation and the maintenance of the network to Aisne THD.

Financed by Europe (FEDER), the State, the Hauts-de-France Region, the Council for the Aisne region, USEDA and its member local authorities, and Aisne THD, in which the Banque des Territoires is a shareholder, this project represents more than €300m of public investment. It will provide fibre optic access to 210,000 points (757 districts) by December 2022. It aims to provide very high-speed broadband coverage throughout the Aisne region, supplementing the areas covered by private operators.


Work on the deployment of the Aisne region’s HSBB network (RAISO) began in January 2016.
74,000 connections were installed by Aisne THD. USEDA is currently finalising 136,000 further connections.
To date, more than 202,600 addresses (out of the 210,000 targeted) have been connected and made available to commercial operators who can offer their services on fibre, i.e. more than 96% of the connections in the public initiative network, in 705 districts.

This new network is already used by 55.12% of the people of Aix-en-Provence covered by the project. This is the highest rate for a public initiative network in France.


2015-2018: 70,000 connections installed by Aisne THD, i.e. 33.3% of the public area;
May 2019: 122,000 connections (58%);
May 2020: 165,000 connections (78.5%);
December 2021: The milestone of 100,000 subscribers on the network has been reached.
January 2022: The milestone of 200,000 subscribers on the network is reached.


In compliance with national regulatory requirements, RAISO is open to all Internet service providers. Each of them is free to define its market strategy.

So far, twelve operators are offering fibre optic services to the community through RAISO.
These are: Bouygues, Coriolis, Free, iBloo, K-net, Nordnet, Orange, Ozone, SFR, Telwan, Vidéofutur and WeAcces.Zone fibrée


304 districts already recognised as “fibre-optic zones” by ARCEP.

The legal status of “fibre-optic zone” aims to identify those regions where the very high speed fibre-optic network is fully deployed and operational and therefore ready for a mass migration from the copper network to fibre.

This highlights USEDA’s commitment to the development and appeal of rural areas.


The “Union des Secteurs d’Energie du Département de l’Aisne” (USEDA) is a mixed open association made up of 792 districts, inter-district groups and city authorities, together with the Conseil Départemental de l’Aisne (regional council), with a population of around 531,623.
It organises public electricity and gas supply. As such, it undertakes major works on the electricity, public lighting and telecommunications networks on behalf of its member districts.
Within the Aisne region, USEDA owns 7,918 km of HV lines, 51.84% of which are underground, and 5,445 km of LV lines, 46.91% of which are underground, serving 284,220 customers.

USEDA also oversees the digital development of the region (outside the private sector) and in this capacity is building the RAISO public-initiative broadband network.

In addition, the mixed open association was responsible for installing 140 public charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles throughout the Aisne department.


In 2015, the Aisne regional authority tasked USEDA (Union des Secteurs d’Energie du Département de l’Aisne) with setting up a very high speed digital network for the Aisne region to enhance its attractiveness and vitality. The marketing, operation and maintenance of the network is handled by Aisne THD, through a Public Service Delegation.

The project consists of: financing a portion of the investment, which is also funded by Europe, the French State, the Hauts de France Region, the Aisne Département, the USEDA and its members; developing the fibre optic network (in the licensed area, USEDA has appointed SETICS for this task); rolling out part of the fibre optic network over a 6-year period (out of 210,000 connections, Aisne THD is installing 74,000 connections and USEDA 136,000); operating and maintaining the entire network until 2045; and marketing the network to Internet service providers (or operators).

About Axione

Axione is owned by Bouygues Energies & Services and Vauban Infrastructure Partners. It is a major player in the digital development of rural and urban areas. As a committed partner of the France Très Haut Débit Plan, Axione designs, builds, finances and operates fixed and mobile next-generation digital infrastructure on its own behalf and on that of local authorities and service operators. To boost competition and the diversity of uses and services, Axione operates in all regions of France (in both high and low-density areas) and offers telecoms operators broadband access services to their subscribers by sharing its digital infrastructure, which is open and accessible to all (6 million FTTH connections in France). Some 150 operators use networks run by Axione.

About Banque des Territoires

Banque des Territoires was created in 2018 and is one of the five divisions of Caisse des Dépôts. It provides in-house expertise to the regions within a single entity. As a single point of entry for clients, it offers customised advisory and financing solutions for loans and investments to meet the needs of local authorities, social housing organisations, local public companies and the legal profession. It is aimed at all regions, from rural areas to major cities, seeking to tackle social inequalities and regional divides. Banque des Territoires operates in the 16 regional divisions and 37 regional offices of Caisse des Dépôts to be better identified and closer to its clients. Making the regions more appealing, inclusive, sustainable and connected.             @BanqueDesTerritoires

About Bouygues Energies et Services

Bouygues Construction’s Energy & Services division is a major player in the digital transformation and energy transition of regions, industries and buildings, and is a key source of growth for Bouygues Construction. With over 21,000 staff, most of the Energy & Services division’s operations are in Germany, Canada, France, Great Britain, Italy and Switzerland, while it also works for its customers in Africa, Asia and Oceania. The development of regions, industries and the service sector depend on the ability to ensure an optimal flow of energy, data, services and people. This is why Bouygues Energies & Services designs, builds and operates solutions to generate, distribute and use the energy of the future, while supporting the digitalisation and development of innovative services for local residents, industry and service users. The Energy & Services division represents a third of Bouygues Construction’s business.

About Vauban

Vauban Infrastructure Partners is a leading infrastructure asset management company specialising in investments in European Core infrastructure assets. Based in Paris with a subsidiary in Luxembourg, the team is made up of 50 professionals who have been working together for over a decade. Vauban IP is an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, specialising in sustainable equity investments. Vauban Infrastructure Partners focuses on investments in European brownfield assets, providing long-term profitability in keeping with their underlying nature, and on sustainable value creation in the interests of all stakeholders. Vauban Infrastructure Partners manages nearly €6bn mainly in 5 Core infrastructure funds on behalf of more than 70 investors in 15 different countries. It has invested in more than 60 assets in the transport, energy services, social and digital infrastructure sectors in 11 different countries.